Diploma thesis
Valuation of CMT floater (german) (PDF)
Global Tracker Funds (german) (PDF)
Comparision between active and passive portfolio management
Statistical methods for fuzzy data (german) (PDF)
Estimations and confidence intervals of parameters, non-parametric estimations and statistical test for fuzzy data
Practical courses
Integration of fuzzy functions (german)
Java applet which calculates the integral of simple fuzzy functions
Confidence interval of a fuzzy sample (german)
Java applet which calculates the confidence interval of a fuzzy sample
(Incomplete) Notes from unversity courses
Advanced topics in continuous time finance (IHS Wien, Prof. Back): PDF, PS, LyX
Angewandte Statistik (TU Wien, Prof Viertl) (german, missing figures!): PDF, PS, LyX
Statistik für Wirtschaftsinformatik (TU Wien, Prof Viertl) (german): PDF
Term structure models - discontinued; very bad shape (IHS Wien, Prof. Back): PDF, PS, LyX
Interest rate hedge: extension to the Rho hedge